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People's Watch in Media

29 Mar 2019 Heritage building of GRH will be protected People's Watch in Media Madurai, Tamil Nadu

A heritage building, which was to be torn down as part of an infrastructure development project by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) at the Government Rajaji Hospital (GRH), would now be protected, said Dean K. Vanitha.

#Henri, #Henry, ##HenriTiphagne, #AdvHenri, #Activist, #PeoplesWatch, #HumanRightsDefenderHenri, #MaduraiGH, #ExecutiveDirector, #ExecutiveDirectorofPeopelsWatch, #PublicHealthAndFamilyWelfare, #GovernmentRajajiHospitalMadurai, #GRH
22 Mar 2019 முகிலன் எங்கே ஹென்றி திபேன் அறிக்கை Muhilan - Sangoli People's Watch in Media Madurai, Tamilnadu

மனித உரிமை காவலர் முகிலனைப் பற்றி அரசு அமைதியாக இருக்கிறது. பத்திரிகையாளர் சந்திப்பில் 22 மே, 2018 அன்று தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் அலுவலகத்தில் நடைபெற்ற ஸ்டெர்லைட் போராட்ட துப்பாக்கிச்சூடு சம்பவத்தில் காவல்துறைத் தலைவர் மற்றும் துணைத் தலைவர் பங்கு குறித்து ஆதாரப்பூர்வமாக எடுத்து வைத்ததற்கு பின்னர் அவர் காணாமல் போயிருப்பது நினைவில் கொள்ள வேண்டும். பத்திரிகையாளர் சந்திப்பில் பெருமளவு நிருபர்கள் கலந்து கொண்ட பின்பும் இந்த செய்தி குறித்து ஏன் பிரசுரிக்கவில்லை? மிகுந்த வருத்தமளிக்கிறது. வாட்சப் குருப்களில் இந்த செய்தியை உங்கள் பெயரில் பரப்புங்கள்.  

#Henri, #Henry, #HenriTiphagne, #PeoplesWatch, #Mugilan, #MugilanMissingCase, #ActivistMugilan, #HumanRightsDefenderMugilan
19 Mar 2019 Probe on right path to trace Mugilan-CBCID People's Watch in Media Madurai, Tamilnadu

The CBCID police has informed the Madras high court that the investigation  is being carried out in the right direction to trace the whereabouts of Mugilan alias Shanmugam an Anti-Strelite activist, whose whereabouts where not known from February 19, 2019.

#Henri, #Henry, #HenriTiphagne, #PeoplesWatch, #Mugilan, #MugilanMissing
19 Mar 2019 Why no FIR against Tamilisai in Sofia case People's Watch in Media Madurai, Tamil Nadu

MADURAI: The fact that an FIR was not filed against BJP state president Tamilisai Soundarajan under the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act for her actions at the Tuticorin airport on September 3 will be reason enough for them to move...

##HenriTiphagne, #PeoplesWatchMaduraiNGO, #Henry, #TamilisaisoundarrajanBJP, #HumanRightsDefeders
17 Mar 2019 Haven't slept since then: One month on, how Mugilan's disappearance has affected TN's activists People's Watch in Media Chennai, Tamil Nadu

His fellow activists, SP Udayakumaran and Henri Tiphange speak about their friend, his disappearance and the theories that surround it. RS Mugilan apparently never travelled even in the second class compartments of a train. In a conversation with Henri...

#HenriTiphagne, #PeoplesWatch, #HRD, #HumanRightsDefender, #Mugilan, #HRDMugilan, #EnvironmentActivist
17 Mar 2019 The question on everyone’s mind: Where is activist Mugilan? People's Watch in Media Madurai

During the call Mugilan reportedly told Sridhar about threats he had received from police and Sterlite officials. WhereIsMugilan? This has been the question on the minds of activists, family, friends and scores of people over the past month. On...

#HRD, #HumanRightsDefender, #Mugilan, #HRDMugilan, #Environment, #EnvironmentActivist, #HenriTiphagne
15 Mar 2019 முகிலனை மீட்கக்கோரி இன்று 15ம் தேதி மக்கள் கண்காணிப்பகத்தில் விடுதலை ஒளியேந்தி டுவிட்டர் பிரச்சாரம் People's Watch in Media Madurai

முகிலனை மீட்கக்கோரி இன்று 15ம் தேதி மக்கள் கண்காணிப்பகத்தில் விடுதலை ஒளியேந்தி டுவிட்டர் பிரச்சாரம் மதுரையில் நடந்தது.  

#WhereIsMugilan, #Mugilan, #HRD, #HRDMugilan, #MugilanMissing, #PeoplesWatch, #HumanRightsDefender
15 Mar 2019 Outrage after videos of college girls being gang-raped are posted online by blackmailers People's Watch in Media Madurai

Students took to the streets in the southern state of Tamil Nadu in India after several videos that showed sexual assaults on college girls were posted online. A throng of women's rights campaigners demanded the authorities on March...

#HenriTiphagne, #PollachiSexScandal, #PollachiIssue, #PeoplesWatch, #ExecutiveDirector, #ExecutiveDirectorofPeoplesWatch
15 Mar 2019 Protests erupt after sexual assault videos go viral in India People's Watch in Media Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Student protests rock India's southern state of Tamil Nadu on Thursday CHENNAI: A wave of student protests rocked India's southern state of Tamil Nadu on Thursday after a number of videos showing sexual assaults on college girls were...

#HenriTiphagne, #PeoplesWatch, #ExecutiveDirector, #PollachiIssue, #PollachiSexScandal
15 Mar 2019 Protests after sexual assault videos go viral in India People's Watch in Media Chennai, Tamil Nadu

A wave of student protests rocked in Tamil Nadu on Thursday after a number of videos showing sexual assaults on college girls were posted online. Outrage increased after police said the footage was part of wider plot by...

#HenriTiphagne, #PeoplesWatch, #PollachiIssue, #PollachiSexScandal, #PollachiSexualAssault, #DeccanHerald

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